
Smoked Citrus Turkey: A Holiday Recipe

Smoked Citrus Turkey: A Holiday Recipe

I've tried making my own brines (which gives the turkey a weird vinegary twang), rubbing the bird down in mayonnaise to "seal in moisture" (who taught me this travesty)—Each year, I've gotten really creative (reckless?) with the process. But this year, instead of trying to fight our 19 pound bird (which we named Barb), I got creative where it counts: with the flavors and the process, which requires attention and hella patience. And what I delivered, was an excellent turkey that my massive family actually ate and enjoyed!

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Oaxaca: A Dinner Story

Oaxaca: A Dinner Story

From cow tongue to grilled cactus, Eufemia (eh-oo-fem-ee-uh), or Fema, as we call her, has practiced Oaxacan culinary alchemy alongside my family for around 12 years. Perhaps alchemy is an exaggeration, but to go from traditional, Southern, not always farm fresh and often over-preserved ingredients, to seeing raw cabbage sliced up as a side to a nice brothy soup, is a quite the difference.

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